Chicago, IL
Flight Training - Chapter 2 You will believe a man, or a girl, can fly.
"I guess that I still have some reservations." Clark stated calmly. "How did you find out about us?" Marcus and Zara had expected that question. "Ironically, we now believe that you ‘outed’ yourself." Marc began. "It was roughly two weeks ago..."
Flashback Sequence to Kara and Clark standing atop a ridge overlooking Dead Man’s Quarry, an abandoned limestone quarry that lie ten miles away from Reeves’ Dam. Clark is staring blankly at his younger cousin. "It’s simple, Kal. You just relax, concentrate, and think that you can fly."
"You just think that you can fly?" Clark echoed skeptically. "Exactly." Kara insisted. "Watch." The teen alien smiled broadly, extending her arms out from her sides, and floated upward. She effortlessly floated back down. "Now you try." Kara’s eyes sparkled in the early morning sun.
Clark felt foolish, but mimicked his cousin’s movement. For a moment, Kal floated upward about two feet. "See, you’re doing it!" Kara encouraged. He dropped back down clumsily. Kara sighed. "Well, it’s a start." She backed up a bit. "Maybe you can try a running start?"
Kara ran forward to the cliff’s edge, and leapt upward, soaring easily above the rocky hillside leading down into the quarry. Superman followed her motions, running off the gorge’s peak and jumping forward, as he’d done one time to land atop a semi-tractor trailer and rescue Lois and Lucy Lane.
This he accomplished simply enough, until Kal realized that he was near the quarry’s center, with hundreds of feet of empty air below him. Kara banked slowly around towards him, mirroring the soaring, curvy flight of a nearby brown eagle parent, eyeing the pair suspiciously as they neared her nest.
Clark suddenly sank like a rock, falling straight down, until he reached a speed that caused a sonic boom within the confines of the quarry walls. Kal hit the floor of the canyon with a thunderous crunch, that dug a seventeen foot hole, sending dirt, rocks, and other debris skyward.
Kara shook her head, allowing her long blonde locks to scatter in the wind. She flew in low just as Clark was climbing out of the hole. "Are you all right, Kal? You have to concentrate at first, until you get the hang of it." Superman brushed the limestone dust from his red tee shirt and blue jeans.
Clark nodded. "I guess that I just have too much on my mind." Kara floated down beside him, and crossed her arms skeptically. It’s got to be a mental issue, she surmised. "I bet you’re thinking about Lois, aren’t you?" She teased. "No." Kal said flatly. "What’s that, Chloe always said?" Kara taunted.
"Oh yeah. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt." Kara ostracized. "No." Clark said with some irritation. "Lois, Lois, Lois,.." Kara taunted as she jumped across the craggy canyon base, finally landing perpendicular to the lowest section of a wall. "Race you back to the top, running! One, Two..."
Kara dashed straight up the quarry wall. "Three! Go!" She mocked from about halfway up. Kal sped alongside his young cousin, before finally passing her near the top quarter of the gorge’s bank. He stopped a fraction of a second before Kara reached him. She smirked. "Now we try it my way."
Kara ran along the edge of the canyon’s lip, with Clark at her heel. After a full lap, she suddenly jumped up and flew high over the quarry. Kal followed her move, and was soon soaring behind her. She turned back and stopped. They were dead center above the quarry. "It’s as easy as that!" Kara laughed.
Clark found himself hovering next to Kara. He didn’t feel like falling. "You did it, Kal, you can float! That’s half the battle!" Clark relaxed and smiled. "Thanks, Kara." The young alien pointed to the ridge on the other side of the quarry. "Now, go horizontal, like if you were swimming." She directed.
He complied, extending his arms from his shoulder, like an airplane’s wings. Kara did the same and led him to the wall. Clark landed sloppily, knocking a few small boulders into the quarry. "You’re getting it, Kal." Kara complimented. "Just keep on practicing." She urged.
The two aliens stood at the edge of the wall. Kara decided to try one more thing. She zipped away, startling Clark. "Kara? What?" Before he could finish his question, she had sped back at him, and physically shoved Clark into the steepest part of the quarry. He fell most of the way down.
Kara watched with delight, as Clark extended his arms, and about thirty feet above the canyon floor, began to level off, soaring easily across the base to the other side. Kara flew down, darting like a hawk in search of prey, as Clark went vertical, and landed comfortably beyond some rough foliage.
"See? You did that without thinking about it!" Kara stood confidently atop a boulder. "Yes, I did." Clark said playfully. "One, Two, Three..." He dashed off along the base of the canyon, Kara ran after him. The two aliens again ran straight up the quarry wall, and slowed to a stop at it’s peak.
"Race you to the Reeves’ river?" Clark offered. "You got it, cousin." Kara accepted the challenge. "Flying or running?" Clark rubbed his chin. "Both." Kara said. "Okay, one, two,..." She dashed off, with Clark at her heel. The super heroes ran and alternately leapt or flew over obstacles along the way.
They vaulted over fallen trees, fences, and shrubs, frequently switching to low short flights, and even strafed a semi-tractor trailer, hoping that the driver hadn’t seen them. At one point, the aliens flew above a main highway, and hadn’t noticed a late model black BMW car driving their way.
"Marc, did you see that?" Zara Rolfe asked her long time boyfriend. "What?" He wondered out loud. "I swear it looked like a bloody yellow and blue bird, soaring above the tree line." Marc was skeptical. "A blue and yellow bird? Like a parrot?" Zara shook her head. "No, it was much bigger."
The couple dismissed it as a great blue heron or something, and hadn’t thought about it until recently. At the time, Kara and Clark were blissfully unaware of any spectators. They followed the Reeves’ River until it spilled out into Red Bluff Lake.
A bit before they reached the Red Bluff beach, Clark darted off in a tangential arc, leaving Kara surprised, as she searched the horizon with her enhanced vision. Kal sped back in with blinding speed, and unceremoniously tackled young Kara, knocking her into the water. The two aliens bobbed in the lake.
She laughed hysterically, splashing Kal with mighty waves of fresh, cool, water. "Let’s see how fast we can swim." She urged. The two raced for a while, until they grew bored of the frivolity. Clark climbed out of the lake, and extended a hand to help Kara as well.
Clark hadn’t been this happy since he and Lana....His thoughts clouded his good mood. "What’s the matter, cousin?" Kara asked worriedly. "If it’s about that Lois remark...I was just trying to..."
Kal dismissed her with a wave. "No, it’s not that. In fact, I think you could be right. We need to make some changes in our lives, and stop worrying about the past. Those ghosts will always be there."
"Kara, what do you think of this?" Clark began. "Chloe came up with an idea sometime last year. She suggested that I adopt another persona. You know how Oliver and his buddies all have secret identities? They could lead relatively normal lives, and still help Oliver on his missions. We should try that."
"Changing our names, or acquiring silly nicknames, doesn’t change who we are." His teen cousin observed with an unusual amount of wisdom. "True." He agreed. "If we did, we’d just create more lies on top of lies." Kara nodded with a serious expression on her thin face. "Let’s consider it, though."
Back to present time: "Clark, that was you and Kara that we saw on the road that time, wasn’t it?" Marc was looking for confirmation. "Yes. It was." Kal admitted. "I must ask you two to keep this in the utmost secrecy. You are in a position to completely alter the human race’s future." He added seriously.
"I understand, Kal El, yet, that is exactly what I’m trying to do." Marc affirmed. Something shimmered into the center of the room, startling everyone. In the blink of an eye, a large greenish brown silhouette formed, and held a small triangular crystal, with the house of Jor El’s ‘S’ on it.
The object flashed brightly, stunning Marc and Zara, and momentarily paralyzing them. Kara watched in horror, ready to attack. "John? What the hell are you doing?" Clark accused. The Martian Man Hunter stood rigidly, his bright red eyes glaring. "Once again I must rescue you, Kal El."
Chicago, IL